How to Improve Your Child’s Verbal Communication

[Aug 06, 2021]

It is never easy to teach kids how to communicate with others. It takes patience, dedication, and persistence to help them develop the verbal skills they need in order to speak with confidence. From saying please and thank you, to asking permission and giving negative feedback, there are a lot of valuable skills to teach your children. As parents, we feel that our goal should be to raise the next Einstein who can learn in a fluid manner and communicate on their own. But the truth is, each of us learns differently. Childhood is the best time to teach the kids. Communication becomes more effective when you focus on verbal communication. Let’s discuss some tips to increase verbal communication with your child.

Talk Regularly

Childhood is the time when all soft skills of the child are sharpened. Some children face difficulties in communication that's why they don't speak at all. Your role is to encourage your child as much as possible to start or join a discussion. You should ask questions and listen to the answer carefully. Two-way communication will enable your child to feel more comfortable opening up. Try to speak with them while travelling or having a meal. Talk about their favourite television shows. Introduce new words and concepts gradually and consistently.

Play games

There are many instances in which adults have difficulty expressing their emotions. In most cases, this is because you do not know the appropriate words to express your feelings or knowledge. Ensure that you make an effort to improve the vocabulary of your child. Play games like Word guessing, scrabbling, etc to increase your child's vocabulary. By playing word games, children can use more appropriate words than the words used daily, thus improving their communication skills.

Be a good role model

Your kid learns to communicate by watching you closely. When you speak respectfully with your child or others, it sends out a powerful message about constructive communication. Listen carefully to what they are saying, this will also improve your child's listening skills. Give simple and clear directions or requests according to your child's age and ability.

Play Conversational catch

One on one communication is easy but communicating while multitasking is a very difficult task to do. Many people are unable to find words when they are under pressure. The goal is to teach your kid to work and communicate simultaneously. Conversational catch will help in tackling this situation. This can be done while playing with a ball or frisbee. The main goal is to enhance the kids’s communication skills while under pressure or multitasking.

Reading Habit

Books are the finest method to learn new words. Early childhood reading habits will not only improve their communication skills but also they will be able to express themselves confidently. Reading will also improve the grammar, their understanding of words and the general abilities of communicating effectively. Reading in early childhood is a habit that helps children grasp situations more readily and acquire greater comprehension technique.

Argue Effectively

Whenever a kid argues with you, first hear patiently what the kid is saying before answering. Additionally, you can ask your kid why he/she is behaving in a specific way. This habit will strengthen your kid’s potential to handle the conflicting situations effortlessly.

Don't shame the child

If a child does something wrong, do not call them an idiot or dumb. Scolding a small kid makes him feel like something's wrong with him/her. The best thing to do is to give him positive feedback regarding how he/she can improve his mistakes. In the future, your kid will not hide anything from you if this situation is handled correctly.

Communication is a major part of a child's development. As children start developing their communication skills, they often have a verbal block. Verbal skills for children are crucial to learning because as they grow up, they must speak with their friends, relatives and their employers. Almost all job descriptions include good communication skills. Boosting your children's communication abilities is possible. Encouraging the kid to speak and implementing the tips shown in the blog can really help parents break the communication block.