How to train your brain to get smarter

[ Aug 18, 2021]

We all worry about our health. We exercise daily to keep our muscles stronger. To improve your endurance, we run or go on treks. Have we ever thought of training our brain? Obviously not, right. But there are ways we can train our most important part in our body, i.e the brain. It controls the nervous system and transmits tons of information across the body day and night. There are so many complexities involved in the brain that even 21st century scientists are not able to understand them all. Various studies show that it is possible to make your brain smarter by training it. Therefore, in this blog we will share with you some tips for making the brain smarter.

Here are the tips to get smarter.


People often underestimate the benefits and impact of reading on their minds. Studies show that reading can increase your brain power. You will get new ideas which will improve your mind and will make you more expressive than ever. Reading helps you grow your vocabulary, boost your communication skills, and sharpen your analytical capabilities. You don't have to limit yourself to self-help or dull academic books. Even Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling may help you enhance your intellect and teach you valuable life skills. According to a recent survey by Fast Company, CEOs read on average 60 books per year, or five per month. When it comes to making your brain smarter, reading is the best exercise you can do.

Keeping Smart Company

Humans have the tendency to live in groups. It is the famous saying that “If you want to know someone then just see his or her friends.” We are very deeply influenced by the people around us in our minds. Perhaps you've noticed that high intellect individuals usually form groups. This is because they want to openly discuss a variety of issues with like minded people. You will eventually become smarter by spending time with smart people. Even though it may seem unfriendly, you might want to reconsider the people with whom you spend the majority of your time.


If you want to enhance your brain without doing anything in less than 20 minutes a day? You should consider meditation. Meditation appears to change the brain in such a way that you become more intelligent, as well as it also lowers the blood pressure, heart rate, and stress hormones. Meditation differs from person to person, but it usually involves silent, concentrated breathing techniques that allow the person to attain mental peace. No one can refute the advantages of relaxed, focused breathing, regardless of whether they believe in meditation or not. Studies have indicated that frequent meditation has an effect on the brain's structure. According to researchers- meditation improves memory, attention span, and focus.

Playing games

Brain exercises can make you smarter. Our brain goes into hibernation mode when it has mastered something. There are different parts of the brain that can be stimulated by games, and they can also increase the limits of the mind. Games that involve problem solving and puzzles can lubricate the brain. You can play these games to improve your memory and focus:


Sudoku is a mind-based puzzle game in which the aim is to fill each grid cell with 1 to 9 digit numbers so that each number appears only once in each row, column, and mini-grid.

Crossword puzzles

With a crossword puzzle game, you can exercise your brain every day. It can improve your english vocabulary and cognitive function as well.

Eating Healthy food

Diet is crucial for our body and brain. The food we eat can influence our brain as well as our mood. Getting a high nutrient diet is very important to keep your brain ready for all day. Dietitians suggest that eating Walnut daily will improve cognitive function in old age. It contains alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3) and linoleic acid (omega-6) which are healthy fats that help in the functioning of the brain. Chocolate is also considered as great food to improve the function of your brain. It can improve verbal fluency, and can also reduce risks of several diseases.

Training your brain to learn and recall things faster can take time, and you won't notice benefits right away, but you will definitely see improvements if you stick to the points discussed in the blog.